The New "Lipstick Effect"
A new kind of "Lipstick Effect" occurred during the past five years, as more and more Korean drama shows began to lead the trend in lipstick shades, and some even caused certain lipstick shortage.[1] Customers are more willing to buy the lipsticks that appeared on popular Korean drama shows.[2]
The Shades
The most heated lipstick shades related to Korean drama since 2012, starting from the latest ones.
∞ Legends ∞ Color = Lipstick shade Logo = Cosmetic brand logo Bigger Glow = More Occurence in Data
Data collection: We collected all the search results (750 in total) of "Korean drama + Lipstick" at, which is the biggest search engine in China; then scraped the main articles of all these results, and calculated the occurrence number of each shade from the collected text dataset (about 327,000 words).
The Shows
The most significant New "Lipstick Effect" makers —— some lipstick shades even got nicknames because of these shows, for example "Star Color", "Miss You Color".
* The shows are ranked by their occurrence numbers in the dataset, which is calculated by adding the occurrence numbers of each lipstick shade related to a certain show.
The Brands
Check out which brands have the potential to benefit most from the New "Lipstick Effect"!
* The brands are ranked by their occurrence numbers in the dataset, which is calculated by adding the occurrence numbers of each lipstick shade of a certain brand.
The Trend
A proof of effect: Customers' interest of some lipsticks (e.g. Shu uemura PK376) showed a dramatic increase soon after certain Korean drama show (e.g. "Miss You") started to air, according to Google Trend.
Dataset for the line charts: Google Trend for the lipsticks only, not including the show.